Advanced Technical Diploma in Horticulture (Level 3)

Course overview

This course provides you with a comprehensive range of specialist technical practical skills and knowledge to advance your career in the horticulture industry, whether in a team leadership role, running your own business or furthering your horticultural education and training to higher levels.

This course is assessed through both written and practical projects, and by examination.

Students aged between 16 and 18 years will be required to complete 315 hours of vocational work experience through an industry placement, providing invaluable experience as part of their studies. Students are invited to make contact with employers, relevant to their studies, who could host their placement.

For adult learners aged 19 and older, this course includes 150 hours of vocational work experience.

You will learn

  • The maintenance of turf in parks and gardens
  • Land-based industry machinery operation
  • The maintenance of ornamental plants
  • The principles of plant health and protection
  • Identification, selection and planting of plants
  • Plant and soil science
  • Production and propagation techniques

An overall Merit in Technical Horticulture and Professional Landscaping (Level 2). At least five GCSEs at grades 4 and above (C and above) including English, Maths and a Science related subject. A commitment to work experience and time for self-directed study. Candidates aged 19+ who do not have the above qualifications may apply if they have other comparable qualifications or experience. Before you start your course, if you are aged between 16 and 18 years, you will be required to attend a fun and practical one-day preparation workshop where you will meet your tutors and other students on your course. Further details will be provided at the point of an offer being made.

Advanced Technical Diploma in Horticulture (540) – City & Guilds of London Institute Reference: 60174560

Successful completion of this course will enable you to progress to the Kew Traineeship, an RHS Level 3 Diploma in horticultural practice, or employment in team leadership roles in the horticulture industry. Alternatively, you could progress to further training opportunities including the Kew Diploma or university.

If you are aged 16 to 18 years old at the start of your course, there are no course fees to pay. If you are aged 19 or over you will need to pay the course fees yourself, or apply for an Advanced Learner Loan (ALL). More information can be found on our Fees and Funding page.