Updated COVID-19 Guidelines for New and Returning Students, December 2021
Capel Manor College is following the most recent guidance from the Department for Education (14 December 2021) to help students stay COVID-secure.
The College has issued a guide for students, which has also been shared with parents and guardians.
If you or someone you live with has Coronavirus symptoms it is absolutely essential that if you develop any of the following symptoms you should not come into the College:
- fever, particularly a high temperature (i.e. a temperature of 37.8 degrees or over)
- new continuous cough
- loss or change in sense of taste or smell
You should follow public health advice on when to self isolate.
If you become unwell or develop symptoms, however mild whilst at the College please tell your tutor so arrangements can be made for you to go home.
You and everyone in your house must then follow Public Health England guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.
Close contacts
If you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus you will be contacted via NHS test and trace. Students who have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 will not need to self-isolate if:
- you are fully vaccinated
- you are below the age of 18 years, 6 months
NHS Test and Trace will contact you to let you know that you have been identified as a contact and check whether you are required to self-isolate. Even if you do not have symptoms, you will be advised to have a PCR test as soon as possible. If you are symptomatic you should stay at home.
Testing remains important in reducing the risk of the spread of the virus at College. You should self-test at home using the lateral-flow tests that you can pick up from reception. If you get a positive result tell us, don’t come in and follow the guidelines to get a full PCR test.
Students will then be provided with home test kits to be undertaken twice a week.
Further information can be found at www.gov.uk.
If you test positive you should self-isolate in line with the stay-at-home guidance. You will also need to get a free PCR test to check if you have COVID-19. Please let your tutor know if you have tested positive, have any symptoms, are required to self isolate or have any questions or concerns.
Whilst awaiting the PCR result, you should continue to self-isolate.
Home testing
Home tests are voluntary but we continue to encourage everyone to take part to help protect our College community and keep everyone as safe as possible. Please follow the steps below:
1. Watch the following short ‘how to’ video on home testing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9XR8RZxKNo&list=PLvaBZskxS7tzQYlVg7lwH5uxAD9UrSzGJ&index=1
2. Take the test in the morning before coming to College following the guidance provided in the test kits
3. Check the results after 30mins. Positive, Negative or ‘Void’ (no result)
4. Report your results online
5. Repeat the test twice a week
Further information can be found here.
Testing, and even the wider use of vaccines does not mean we should relax our rules that have worked well in minimising the spread of the virus within the College. It is vital we all remain vigilant and continue to follow our Covid-secure rules.
COVID-19 vaccination
We would encourage anyone who is able to do so to get a Covid vaccination, including boosters, as soon as you become eligible.
COVID-19 vaccination is now being offered to everyone aged 18 and over at local sites run by GPs or community pharmacies, at larger vaccination centres and in some hospitals. More information on how to get a vaccine can be found on the NHS website.
Students registered with a GP can book their appointment at a larger vaccination centre, a community pharmacy run site or at some GP run sites through the national booking service website or by phoning 119.
You may wish to refer to the COVID-19 vaccination FAQs for students in Higher Education Institutions as this contains information that is relevant for any student aged 18 and over. This has been published by NHS England and provides a range of important information.
Face masks
Students are required to wear facemasks when inside College buildings or when you are unable to maintain social distancing, for example during a practical as directed by a member of staff, in rare circumstances where 2 meters distancing cannot be maintained. Exemptions apply to those unable to wear facemasks for personal circumstances and you should discuss this with your tutor.
There will be regular re-cleaning of areas throughout the day with a special emphasis on the “high-traffic” areas.
It is important to ensure teaching areas are well ventilated and that a comfortable teaching environment is maintained. This includes opening windows and doors as appropriate whilst balancing the need for increased ventilation while maintaining a comfortable temperature. Please follow tutor instructions regarding additional ventilation.
Avoid unnecessary touching of surfaces as much as possible and use the sanitising wipes provided when you have finished with any equipment e.g. keyboards, desktops etc.
The first thing you must do, before going anywhere else on campus is to wash your hands thoroughly or use the hand sanitisers provided.
Avoid touching your own face and eyes and sneeze into a tissue (which should be carefully disposed of) or your inner elbow. Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently throughout the day, and always before and after breaks.
These basic protections are the best way of keeping everyone safe.
Additional sanitisers will be available in classrooms and practical lessons. Teachers and students will be able to disinfect surfaces and equipment.
Keep your distance
It is great to see friends and tutors again, and make new friends but try to maintain social distancing and be outside as much as possible as these are some of the best ways to prevent the spread of the virus.
Capel Manor College’s Student Support and Counselling team provide a safe, confidential and non-judgmental space for students to discuss any concerns they may have.
If you have a safeguarding concern email safeguarding@capel.ac.uk or call 01992 707027
If you have queries relating to learning support email learningsupport@capel.ac.uk
If you are worried and would like further support email counselling@capel.ac.uk
Further support for wellbeing can be found here.
It is OK to share your concerns with others you trust and in doing so you may end up providing support to them too. You can find further support via the NHS recommended helpline.
Remember we are all here to support you and are on the end of the phone, email, Moodle or Teams, if you need help or support just ask!