Student and Staff Safety During COVID-19
The Government has announced that the UK is entering a third period of national lockdown and people must stay at home to help save lives until at least 8 March 2021.
What does this mean for Capel Manor College?
The College will revert to online teaching and learning at all campuses with immediate effect and until further notice, with the exception of vulnerable students and those whose parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are key workers.
Examinations that were planned for February 2021 will not go ahead at Capel Manor College because our priority is to keep students and staff as safe as possible and help reduce the spread of the virus.
We would like to take this opportunity to reassure those students studying for upcoming exams that their hard work is not in vain. We are in close contact with the awarding bodies who have confirmed that no students will be disadvantaged. Alternative forms of assessments will be available for students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge and achieve their qualifications and results. We are here to support you and students will be advised about these options as soon as possible.
Tutors will be in contact with their student groups to provide further details about online teaching. Questions about studying from home should be directed to tutors in the first instance, via Moodle or email. Further information about our online learning provision can be found here.
Vulnerable Students and Key Workers
If you are in this category (more details can be found on the Government website) and would like to continue to come into College or have any queries please email A tutor will then contact you to make arrangements.
Student Support and Counselling
Capel Manor College’s Student Support and Counselling team provide a safe, confidential and non-judgmental space for students to discuss any concerns they may have.
- If you have a safeguarding concern email or call 01992 707027
- If you have queries relating to learning support email
- If you are worried and would like further support email
Further support for wellbeing can be found on the Mind website.
It is ok to share your concerns with others you trust and in doing so you may end up providing support to them too. You can find further information on recommended mental health helplines on the NHS website.