Discover Courses at Capel Manor College’s Virtual Open Day
You can get a feel for what it is like to study at London’s environmental college by attending our first ever Virtual Open Day on Wednesday 17 June, 2pm to 3.30pm.
Due to COVID-19, we are unable to host our usual Summer Open Day and meet you all face-to-face. However, we are delighted to be able to host it online so that you still have the opportunity to meet our tutors, discover our courses, and ask questions live.
“Our top priority is keeping everybody safe and healthy whilst continuing to provide outstanding learning opportunities and support students”, says Malcolm Goodwin, Principal of Capel Manor College.
“It is a great shame that we are unable to meet with prospective students and parents in person, especially as the College is such a friendly place and our resources are so great. Nevertheless, we have embraced what technology has to offer so we can still provide students with the information they need to make informed decisions about their future.”
Our Virtual Open Day will begin at 2pm with a welcome talk from Vice Principal, Christine Bianchin, followed by 30-minute subject talks in individual breakout rooms. These sessions will be led by our heads of schools and course tutors, where you will be given an overview of the courses available before having the chance to ask questions. The event will continue with talks led by our Admissions and Student Services team, before ending with a live Q and A.
If you would like to join our event, you must register your attendance in advance and select, from the following options, one subject breakout room to attend:
- Animal Management
- Horticulture and Garden Design
- Arboriculture, Agriculture and Environmental Conservation
- Floristry and Event Styling
- Leatherwork
- Dog Grooming
- Apprenticeships
- Foundation Learning
- Higher Education
The event will be recorded, so if you want to explore more than one breakout room, you can do so by watching the recording on-demand from our website at a later date.
To register visit