Business and Digital Skills

Whether you have aspirations for a successful business career or are still unsure about your future path, studying business and digital skills with us can unlock a world of possibilities.

Our courses are designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how businesses operate, offering not only financial benefits but also valuable transferable skills.

Take your pick from our range of full and part-time courses that will equip you with the qualifications necessary for business success. Whether you aim to enhance your employability across various industries or want to develop the skills needed to establish and manage your own business, we are here to support you in cultivating the theoretical knowledge and practical abilities required to kickstart your career.

Full Time

BTEC Introductory Diploma in Business (Level 1)

Full Time

BTEC First Diploma in Business (Level 2)


Our business courses will provide you with a range of skills in:
  • Customer service
  • Information technology
  • Accounting
  • Digital communications
  • Business planning
  • Databases
  • Problem solving
  • Time management

Did you know?

There are over 13,000 businesses in the animal care sector covering everything from zoo keeping and farming to pet grooming and cattery management.

The floristry industry contributes more than £1.5 billion to the UK economy every year whilst the event industry contributes more than £42 billion.

Horticulture is one of the largest industries in the UK, contributing £9 billion to the UK economy every year.


Courses are taught at our Enfield Campus, which is surrounded by 30 acres of idyllic parklands.

The ground also include 60 gardens and landscapes, a beautiful Georgian manor house, restaurant, flower shop, dog grooming salon, and zoo with over 75 species of animals.

Ariana's story

I enjoyed every aspect of the course – especially learning how to create a website from scratch, a skill I can use for my own business. Ariana studied business and digital skills during her time at the College